Board management software for businesses is becoming a popular choice for business executives to keep track of meetings, agendas, documents, and so on. These software tools are designed to enhance efficiency in the boardroom and to reduce the burden of processes that are lengthy and expensive.
A great place to start when evaluating a board portal is to identify the areas of pain throughout the board’s cycle – from meeting preparation to recording and everything in between. Look at the following areas to do this:
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Meeting preparation and access
Board directors should be able to receive information about the meeting in advance, including an online link to the meeting and a copy of the book document for the board. This will allow them to create annotations online and remain fully prepared for the meeting without having to attend physically. During the meeting directors can use an iOS application to keep up with the presentation and browse through the board book at the same time while keeping an eye on their annotations.
The system should also offer a centralized virtual space where documents can be shared, and the ability to restrict access to specific users or groups. This feature allows businesses to keep sensitive information secure, and stops unauthorized individuals from accessing confidential documents.
Furthermore, the system should be able to track documents from creation to distribution and storage. If a company is audited, they will not need to collect documents that were deposited in different folders.
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